Blue Rings


- Thomas Dekker

Sleep is like the golden chain that binds our health and body together

Sleep is a vital part of our lives, and the first thing we think about when we wake up is often our dreams. Dreams are a reflection of our subconscious mind, and they can be a powerful way to process our emotions and thoughts. Dreams can be pleasant or unpleasant, but they are always interesting to explore.

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What do you think about before resting?


Dream statistics

What do you dream about when you sleep? If we were to get more imaginative or futuristic, we might imagine flying automobiles, spaceships that don't require fuel to travel into space, laser guns, or even google maps built into the wind shield for our cars, etc. I'm sure some individuals out of 8 billion people dream of becoming prosperous in life, becoming someone great, or just the simple things like having a family/house over there head, when you dream of a future you can't see does it have great meaning or any dream for that matter rather it be fantasy, sci-fi, middle ages or even now in the present what makes your dreams unique to you?


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In light of everything said so far, it just serves to highlight how bizarre dreams can be, as they can vary greatly based on your mental state, the mood you are experiencing, or even the movies or anime you watch. When we go to sleep, we are entering the "Unknown," and while many of us pay no attention to our dreams since they are so enigmatic, it is both beautiful and terrifying because at some point we never know if they might be connected to someone else's dream or when we experience what we dream about, it may feel familiar or even like a whole new world has emerged within our heads. Regardless matter whether our dreams are positive or negative, bizarre or majestic, insane or futuristic, they are all vivid, unpredictable and wild..